Bristol+Bath LegalTech

Bristol+Bath LegalTech

Supporting a thriving Legaltech sector across Bristol+Bath

The Bristol+Bath LegalTech network is a not-for-profit collective of legal technology stakeholders and industry insiders based in the West of England. The group is made up of law firms, legal tech companies and educationalists with a mutual interest in legal technology and innovation.

After 5 years of growing the network, and with an ambitious line up of events planned, the group needed a brand identity and website.

Hive created a vibrant, eye-catching brand identity that resonated with authenticity and purpose to help Bristol+Bath LegalTech connect with their supporters. We also designed and built a new website to act as a digital hub that serves as a powerful tool for communication, engagement, and event management. The website had to look visually appealing, but also be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for visitors to learn about the cause and get involved.

Let’s talk

If you have a project in mind or would like to find out more about how Hive can help your business, please get in touch